[ 籃網 | News ] 羅素:‘I plan on being here for life’


紐約郵報  By Brian Lewis March 27, 2018


Nets’ building block plans to be with the team for life


Net For Life.


That’s what D’Angelo Russell told The Post he wants to be.

這就是D’Angelo Russell告訴紐約郵報他想成為的原因。

With just seven games left after Wednesday’s game in Orlando, Russell is intent on having a strong finish to the season — the first of what he hopes are many in Brooklyn. That’s what makes his two-month injury layoff livable, because he’s confident this is where he’ll be long-term, and build his legacy.

在奧蘭多周三的比賽之後,拉塞爾只打了7場比賽,他打算在本賽季打出一個強勁的結局 – 這是他在布魯克林期待的第一場比賽。這就是為什麼他為期兩個月的傷病裁員可以維持,因為他相信這是他長期的職責,並且可以建立他的遺產。

“With a healthy year next year and going into these last few games, the cream will rise. Injuries play with your money, that’s how I look at it,” Russell said. “As far as playing with your money, you can’t get an injury back. If an injury makes you sit and has other people open their eyes at it, then it’s serious. I try to avoid that. That’s the only frustration I can say. Anything else there’s no real frustration.”

“明年健康的一年,進入這幾場比賽后,奶油將會上漲。傷害與你的錢一起玩,這就是我看待它的方式,“羅素說。 “就玩你的錢而言,你不能受傷。如果受傷讓你坐下來讓其他人睜開眼睛,那麼這很嚴重。我盡量避免這種情況。這是我唯一可以說的挫敗感。其他任何事情都沒有真正的挫敗感。“

“I plan on being here for life, so I think that time will happen. I feel like it’ll catch up. I won’t [lose that time from injury],” Russell said. “Eighty-two games sounds like a lot, but that went by quick. I missed a lot, but it went by fast. Imagine what two or three healthy seasons, which relationships can be built, what creative strategies you and the coaches can create, timing.”

“我計劃在這裡終生,所以我認為時間會發生。我覺得它會趕上。我不會[因傷而失去],“羅素說。 “82場比賽聽起來很多,但那很快。我錯過了很多,但速度很快。想像一下,兩三個健康的季節,可以建立哪種關係,你和教練可以創造什麼樣的創造性策略,計時。“

“It’s real wavy. You go from starting to not starting, to playing to not playing. [But] all around, it was great,” said Russell, whose first career triple-double Friday — as well as his 18.6 points, 5.6 assists and 4.5 boards as a starter — tease what he can be for the Nets. “We’re going in the right direction. I could feel the growth, I see the growth. Everybody is two feet in with everything.”

“這是真正的波浪。你從開始到不開始,去玩到不玩。 [但是]全場比賽,這真是太棒了,“羅素說,他職業生涯第一個三雙的周五,以及他的18.6分,5.6次助攻和4.5次籃板 – 挑逗他能為籃網效力。 “我們正朝著正確的方向前進。我能感受到增長,我看到了增長。每個人都是雙足的。“

Lakers brass criticized Russell for immaturity and not taking coaching well. But he spoke openly with The Post about what he needs to do to grow individually and ensure he’s headed in the right direction.


“Getting better every year, gaining that trust, taking ownership of what’s being offered,” Russell said. “Everybody’s saying this is your role: Being able to take what comes with that. If you’re the leader of the team, the franchise player or the sixth man, whatever it may be, just taking ownership of it … don’t get complacent.

“每年都會變得更好,獲得這種信任,接受所提供的東西,”羅素說。 “每個人都說這是你的角色:能夠接受那些。如果你是球隊的領導者,特權球員或第六人,不管它是什麼,只要擁有它……不要自滿。“

“Every year in the league you want you get better. You look, reflect debrief on what you need to work on and get better. That’s always the objective. I know I’m capable of flirting with a triple-double every night. It’s all about opportunities, system. The more I’m in the gym, the more I learn the system, it’ll all come out.”


In Russell’s case, he acknowledged that’s largely about defense. And though advanced stats say he has improved, he admits he’ll know it’s good enough when foes stop going at him like a matchup advantage.


“How do the guys I’m playing against feel about me? When we’re picking out a mismatch, am I trying to get Player B in that pick-and-roll or am I trying to get Player A because he’s a lesser defender? Do guys treat me like that? Looking in the mirror versus what do the analytics say,” Russell said. “Do they want D’Angelo, or do they want DeMarre Carroll, who’s our defensive stopper? So just try to be better at that aspect.”

“我對陣的球員對我感覺如何?當我們選擇不匹配的時候,我是否想在擋拆中得到球員B,還是想要獲得球員A,因為他是一名較小的後衛?有人像那樣對待我嗎?看看鏡子與分析的結果是什麼,“羅素說。 “他們想要D’Angelo,還是他們想要DeMarre Carroll,他是我們的防守球員?所以試著在這方面做得更好。“



  1. 頭香!! Get OUT Nets!!! 臭小屁孩D’Angelo Russell~~~~~別再鬧了,放棄吧! 不要再傷害籃網了,讓籃網來交易你吧!!! 

  2. KK大,晚安~





    目的 1》藉由紐約郵報專文,來洗刷羅素“不成熟”的印象,説明現在的他,是一個“成熟”,有著“正確方向”的好球員!

    目的 2》藉由紐約郵報專文,向籃網經營者喊話羅素每晚都可以“三雙”,是籃網不給他機會!

    目的 3》藉由紐約郵報專文,向其他球隊經營者喊話羅素是個有能力與正確方向的好球員!(你們可以來籃網搶人!)


    1. fritz大,晚安~

      我能在您:NO! x1000000000000  後面再加上一個 0 嗎?! 🙂

  3. 不好意思 我只有一個字送 D-LO!


    1. 封承雲海大,晚安~

      好久都沒看到您!這次D-LO 讓您也忍不住跳出來啦~ 

      D-LO 滾吧!  別惹我們封承雲海大咯   🙂

  4. 紐約是個美國第一大的市場,DLO的團隊怎麼可能將到嘴的肥肉放掉呢?

    1. SK2都去公牛刷數據了,臭小屁孩D'Angelo Russell趕快去公牛刷數據啊!!! 

    2. JiaHong大,晚安~

      是的! 我們看看這次DLo的發言,連他自己都提到:





      至於,融入團隊? 我觀察:不可能。 因他走的就是球星路綫,樣板是火箭的鬍子登。如您留意他歷來發言,可以明顯看出:他自己也很清楚自己!走的就是球星路綫。所以要他融入團隊:不可能!



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