


NBA Board of Governors approves new rules regarding deliberate away-from-the-play fouls for 2016-17 season

July 12, 2016

NEW YORK – The NBA announced today that its Board of Governors has approved rules changes for the 2016-17 season pertaining to deliberate away-from-the-play fouls.

“In looking at the data and numerous potential solutions to combat the large increase in deliberate away-from-the-play foul situations, we believe these steps offer the most measured approach,” said Kiki VanDeWeghe, NBA Executive Vice President, Basketball Operations.  “The introduction of these new rules is designed to curb the increase in such fouls without eliminating the strategy entirely.”

Rules Changes Relating to Deliberate Away-From-The-Play Foul Rules

  • The current rule for away-from-the-play fouls applicable to the last two minutes of the fourth period (and last two minutes of any overtime) – pursuant to which the fouled team is awarded one free throw and retains possession of the ball – will be extended to the last two minutes of each period.

  • For inbounds situations, a defensive foul at any point during the game that occurs before the ball is released by the inbounder (including a “legitimate” or “natural” basketball action such as a defender fighting through a screen) will be administered in the same fashion as an away-from-the-play foul committed during the last two minutes of any period (i.e., one free throw and possession of the ball).

原本的規定在第四節及各節延長賽的最後二分鐘不能使用駭客戰術, 將修正為在每一節的最後二分鐘都不能使用. 而另外在發球狀況時,在發球球員將球發出去前,防守球隊的任何犯規,包括合法籃球動作自然的動作所引起的犯規,例如擺脫擋人時的卡位犯規,違反者對方獲得一個罰球另外再重新獲得球權.


  • The flagrant foul rules will be used to protect against any dangerous or excessively hard deliberate fouls. In particular, it will presumptively be considered a flagrant foul if a player jumps on an opponent’s back to commit a deliberate foul.  Previously, these type of fouls were subject to being called flagrant but were not automatic.

重點在以上黑體字, 惡意犯規的規則將被用來防止任何危險或太過分的故意犯規。特別是,如果一個球員在跳到投籃者的背上阻止對方投籃所引起的故意犯規,將推定被認為是惡意犯規。以前,這些類型的犯規動作可能被記為惡犯, 但不會必定自動記為惡犯…。也代表未來小林若受到此犯規對待, 直接自動算惡意犯規了, 目前看來之前小林被惡犯的影片, 的確是有效的.

These rules changes were recommended by the NBA’s Competition Committee at its offseason meetings.


    1. 哈登不會有太大影響, 因為原本就有明星哨了, 但對書豪來說更明顯了, 所以書豪會笑得更開心.

  1. 感謝Dannyang大的分享。希望以後不要再守不住林書豪就巴頭的事件。上一季的幾次巴頭,真的是惡意的犯規,沒吹真的很誇張。裁判加油,好嗎?


    1. 校長今年是書豪的大運年, 也符合傑米老師的籤詩的說法, 希望書豪未來切入禁區時, 會有更多的哨, 當然也能降低受傷和提高得分的效率.

  2. 看來林下一季沒人能守的住…..因為怕惡犯!!

  3. 終於幫書豪討回公道了!邪不勝正!真理永遠站在正義這邊!太開心了!

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