

翻譯by: @mikezbytt


















Hornets Starting Hairston AND Williams CausesMore Problems than it Solves
Postedon October 26, 2015 by JLintel

Thelatest news from Charlotte Observer is that Cliff may go with the surprisingstarting unit of Walker, Batum (SG), PJ Hairston (SF), Al Jefferson and he’s still undecided betweenZeller or Williams for the PF position. To me, if he goes with Williams overZeller for PF, that’s making a big mistake even WORSE. The starting lineup ofWalker/Batum/Hairston/Williams/Jefferson has too many players playing out ofposition and it doesn’t leave enough time for our stacked Power Forwardposition.

BeforeI delve deeper into why I think starting Hairston AND Williams is a mistake, Iwant to say that overall I think Cliff is a solid coach. To me, he’s the bestcoach Lin has had (and I’m including D’Antoni, who I’ve never been really highon). I know some Lin fans hesitate to question Cliff’s coaching, since he’streated Lin so well so they don’t want to “rock the boat”. But since Cliff isclearly struggling with the decision of who to start and likely questioninghimself, I don’t see questioning Cliff’s starting lineup as “rocking the boat”or any sign of disrespect towards Cliff. I think even after Cliff makes hisdecision, he’s going to continue to question whether or not he made the rightdecision.


So me questioning Cliff’s startinglineup is simply a way of exercising critical thinking as an observer of thegame and bringing up issues that Cliff maybe wrestling with. It’s not at allabout disrespecting coach Cliff. Just because I like Cliff, it doesn’t mean I’mgoing to blindly agree with everything he does. I’m someone who enjoysanalyzing things, so naturally, I’m going to analyze and think critically aboutkey decisions that are made by the coach, regardless of whether or not Isupport the coach overall. I want to be clear in stating that Jeremy Lin madethe right decision when he decided to join the Hornets, so me questioningCliff’s starting lineup doesn’t mean I’m questioning whether or not Hornets isthe right team for Lin. Now that this caveat is out of the way, let’s get tosome reasons why I think starting Hairston AND Williams is a big mistake.

If Cliff goes with Williams over Zeller, he has TWO guys in the starting lineupplaying out of position: Batum and Williams. Also, we three three really goodPower Forwards fighting for time off the bench: Zeller, Kaminsky andHansborough. I think we need at least one true PF in the starting lineup, justbecause of the sheer strength the Hornets have in that position. Why wouldn’tyou make sure you maximize your PF spot, since you’ve got a lot of talent inthat position? It’s just insane to me that Cliff may even think not to have atrue PF in the starting position, because he’s got so many of them he can putin that position. Why have Williams play out of position? This is made evenmore insane when you think about the fact that we lost MKG, who’s a SmallForward and need a solid Small Forward, which is what Batum is! To me, theobvious silver lining to MKG going down is that Batum (a big key for theHornets) gets to go back to playing his natural position. So, instead ofletting Batum go back to his natural position, you’re going to replace MKG withPJ Hairston and force Williams to play PF? To me, that’s a jumbled mess. Ithink its a big mistake to have one of your big key players (Batum) pay out ofposition.


Cliff’s reason for starting Hairston isthat he thinks Hairston can be a defensive stopper. I think this is where Cliffhas really confused himself. He’s still trying to hold onto last season’sHornets strategy, rather than completely embracing the new look Hornetsoffense. This season’s Hornets isn’t going to win on defense, they’re going towin on their offense. Their defense just needs to be adequate. Missing MKG thisseason is totally different from missing MKG last season, so why get hung up ontrying to find an MKG replacement by putting Hairston in there as a very poorman’s MKG? I think this is where Cliff is getting too cute and over thinkingthings. Being too smart for his own good by trying to piece everything togetherlike a puzzle.

With this insane lineup, of Walker/Batum/Hairston/Williams/Jefferson, you havea lot of talent on the bench and you have a lot of guys potentially playing outof position. With this lineup, I don’t even know what happens to the secondunit. Does Lamb play SG or SF? Does Lin play SG or PG? If PG, then what happensto Brian Robberts? Is Kaminsky going to get much playing time? And Hansborough,who has been great in the preseason as a rebounding machine and somewhat of arim protector, is not going to see the floor, which is unfortunate. With thisunit, the only easy substitution is Hawes coming in for Jefferson. Everythingelse is a jumbled mess, since you got a lot of guys playing out of position.Why create so much havoc, simply because you want a poor man’s defensivestopper to replace missing MKG, which is probably the LEAST important issue forTHIS new look Hornets team to solve?


I think coach is way over-thinkingthings. In my view, the rotation is very simple:

Starters: Walker/Lin/Batum/Zeller/Jefferson
Second Unit: Roberts/Lamb/Williams/Kaminsky/Hawes
Third string: Troy Daniels, Aaron Harrison, PJ Hairston, Tyler Hansborough

Another way you can look at the rotation is thus:

PG: Walker/Roberts/Lin
SG: Lin/Lamb/Daniels/Harrison
SF: Batum/Williams/Hairston
PF: Zeller/Kaminsky/Hansborough
C: Jefferson/Hawes


In this scenario, you only have ONEplayer who’s playing out of position: Jeremy Lin. And this player has shownthat he can play shooting guard very well. To me, it’s more important to haveyour guys play in their natural position than probably anything else. Evensuperstars, like Carmelo Anthony, suffer when they’re forced to play out ofposition. I think playing out of position is probably the most detrimentalthing to a player’s game. With Cliff’s projected starting unit, he’s got somany guys playing out of position, which is a huge mistake to me.

Hopefully, Coach Cliff will realize his mistake sooner rather than later. Butit looks like no matter what Cliff seems to be adamant about Lin coming off thebench, which is a big mistake and a shame. As much respect as Cliff has forLin’s game, he STILL doesn’t see Lin as the best player on the team. Because ifhe did, then Lin would be starting. In every example not involving Jeremy Lin,the best player on the team starts no matter what! So the fact that Cliffappears to be adamant about not starting Lin tells me that Cliff doesn’t seeLin as clearly the best player on the team.


Cliff is not starting Lin, because helikes Lin with Hawes, Lamb and Zeller. But Lin can play with anyone–especiallynow that Lin has a deadly jumper–so to me I think you want the unit ofWalker/Lin/Batum on the floor as much as possible. So you should start thatunit, not just close with that unit. There’s no question to me that Cliff willclose games with Walker/Lin/Batum. With Lin coming off the bench, I expect himto get around 28 minutes, which is a HUGE mistake. Lin should be getting 34+minutes for Hornets to maximize their potential. There is still a chance Linmay be able to break the 30 minute mark. If so, then one could argue that mayeven be better than Lin actually starting, IF it means Lin will be the primaryball handler when he’s on the floor. We’ll see how it all shakes out.

No matter what happens to Lin, though, I think this crazy starting unit withHairston and Williams is a big mistake overall for causing too many guys toplay out of position and not fully utilizing the position where the Hornetshave the most talent: Power Forward. This crazy starting lineup is also goingto suffer against good teams, since it’s not powerful enough offensively tomake up for its defensive liability. With the starting lineup ofWalker/Lin/Batum/Zeller or Kaminsky/Jefferson, your offense is going tooverwhelm and more than make up for your defensive liabilities. By the way, Ithink this lineup is just as good or at least not much worse defensively as thecrazy lineup that Cliff appears to be going with for defensive reasons. Again,I think Cliff has himself all turned around, because he’s too fixated onfilling the whole that MKG left (trying to fit all the “old” pieces together,rather than embracing a completely new set of puzzle pieces if that makes anysense).


With this weak starting unit, Hornetsare likely going to have to fight from behind against good times. This unit isalso going to struggle against big lineups. If I were Ciff, I would considerstarting Hansborough whenever Hornets go up against really big lineups, sinceHansborough is the only one on the team that comes close to being a rimprotector and a rebounding machine. But Cliff appears to be very low onHansborough, probably because Cliff likes to play four out and Hansboroughcan’t shoot. I think most of the time, that strategy is good, but against someteams, I think you can sacrifice spacing for rim protection and rebounding.

Again, I want to stress that I think Cliff is a fine coach overall. I justthink he’s overthinking things and trying to be too cute and creative byplaying too much with the lineups and asking too many players to play out ofposition. Hopefully, he’s open-minded enough to change course if it looks likethis lineup causes more problems than it solves for the Hornets. From what I’veobserved of Cliff so far, he does seem to be pretty open-minded and willing tochange course. But it will likely take him time since he’s going to want tokeep the starting lineup the same for a while. If Cliff goes with the startinglineup of Hairston AND Williams for more than, say, 30 games, then I am nolonger optimistic about the Hornets winning 45+ game and be seeded at number 5in the East. I think with that crazy starting lineup for 30+ games, they’llbarely make the playoffs at the 8th spot. I just hope he realizes his mistakesooner, rather than later and changes course after 10 games. We’ll see.


Regardless of what Cliff does, if Lindoesn’t manage to break the 30 minute mark, which is a very difficult featcoming off the bench, then the Hornets are not going to maximize theirpotential. With Lin playing 34+ minutes a game, I see the Hornets getting the4th seed in the East. This ONLY happens if Lin starts. As a result, I’m lessoptimistic about Hornets’s chances of making a lot of noise in the playoffs nowthat I know Cliff wants Lin coming off the bench. Sure, they’ll make theplayoffs, but they’ll likely be in the 6th to 8th spot. IF Lin comes off thebench with 30+ minutes, then they’ll be in the 5th spot. But, of course,Hornets making the playoffs is already exceeding people’s expectations of them,so this is the problem that we face. No matter what the Hornets do, they’llexceed very low expectations, so looking back no one will see that NOT startingLin and NOT playing Lin 34+ minutes was a big mistake. They’ll think they madethe right decision to have Lin be a spark off the bench.






  1. 這篇我有看到但沒轉PO,主要原因是個人色彩太濃厚,(太愛林了)<姑且不論克總的先發陣容是否正確,但林所領的二軍絕對嚇嚇叫,在熱身賽期間林跟一軍的搭檔,總有些卡卡跟放不開,主因是默契跟球權(就算林再好用,這一季克總不會拿掉沃克跟AL的球權,畢竟林只是一年約的球員,沃克才是核心長約球員,(再怎樣還是會以沃克為主體),因此最好最不衝突的方式,就是林當第六人,(如果我是克總也會採如此策略),除非黃蜂有所變動,否則林這一季只能是第六人,跟關鍵先生,但如果明年續長約就會不同了,畢竟這是商業行為,林簽約時應該已經知道無法成為先發,要的只是戰術跟上場時間,還有漂白防守,這也是林加盟黃蜂的主要原因。


    1. joanna~

  2. 感謝版大分享心得,
    不瞞我看到 Hairston 被拉上先發後 … 不免眉頭一皺 = =
    我第一時間的想法是:教練是不是太執著於 MKG 受傷前的佈局?
    除非是真的很想讓 Butum 去打對手的 SG,
    不然從熱身賽看來,少了 MKG 也能打得有聲有色,

    不過 Lin 是不是一定要先發我就比較同意大家的說法了,
    既然先發主打慢,LIn 帶替補打快也是一種戰略。
    只是我真的很好奇:拿 Hairston 來當 MKG 好像太冒險了 XD
    Anyway 明天就知道教練胡廬裡賣什麼藥了!

    1. Kidult Lee~

  3. 我閱讀了他的原文後也留言給他,提出一些特別的觀點,過去四年來我看了每場林書豪的比賽,發現一些共通點就是裁判的特別待遇。說說個人經驗談,以前我在老外餐廳打工時就我一個華人,經理有天跟我說,你特別醒目就連你偷懶我都知道…這你了解了吧。林書豪的亞洲特征在裁判的眼裡是很容易受到注目的,說難聽一點遇到比較種族歧視的裁判,林書豪非常吃虧,常常被吹一些鳥犯規,尤其當防守的對象是個明星球員那就更糟,常常短時間給你兩犯下去坐板凳=.= 依照克總在熱身賽對林書豪的使用方法(上場時間最多) 我比較相信克總更了解NBA文化,特意把林書豪錯開了某人,尤其是第一節不給林書豪陷入犯規麻煩(如果你有常看NBA,你就會發現黑哨常出現在開賽時跟比賽快結束時)

    1. Aaron~

  4. 完全認同Hunter大與Joanna大的看法




    1. cowbasket~

  5. 其實這一篇我在林旋風吧早就看過,但是重點是版大,版大的前言寫的實在太好了,先發根本就是拖住比分的,,這季克總就是要找出能贏比賽的勝利方程式,,林帶替補的3分雨會下的很大,季前賽中國賽贏快船那場就說明一切了,黃蜂的敵隊3分投射防守做的太好了,,這也是黃蜂能七連勝的原因,,相信很多林迷都很清楚,,林在上一季湖人的狀況,先發變替補,,但是替補到想輸球的湖人屎光頭總教,直接說別打擋拆,因為湖人想拿樂透簽,你林會防礙湖人的政策,這也是扣鼻的想法,,老子傷退,,你也別想出頭,,哈,因為總教是我的人,,沒有我戰績好我扣鼻面子要放那,我相信湖人高層也是答應的狀態,屎光頭才敢這樣做,這應該也是回饋扣鼻這些年對湖人的貢獻,只是林跟一些隊友變成犧牲品,,身價都大跌,無奈之下,,林以白菜價加入黃蜂,,只要能證明自己的實力,現在很多外媒都說黃蜂東區排名,,第九,第十,第十一,但我說,,這些人都太小看團隊籃球了,,我舉例東區老鷹好了,上一季,60勝,打進東決,老鷹外號叫,東區馬刺,,因為都是打團隊籃球的,,黃蜂從季前賽就看的出來球隊已經往團隊藍球的方向走,林自己也說,不在乎個人得分多少,,巴圖姆也是類似的說法,這就是團隊藍球的模式,,只要球隊贏球,,不在乎個人數據。

    1. 大七~

  6. 今天很明顯熱火在第一節早早換下先發的Bosh和Dragon ,然後在第二節再上場牽制黃蜂的第二陣容,尤其是對Lin的包夾,迫使Lin無法串連球隊攻勢!既然克總要譲Lin帶領板凳球員,卻不給Lin當主控,搭配的卻是Robots的控球,節奏上打得很慢,實在看不出與先發攻勢有太大的差別!


    1. chun大





    2. chun~

      @rick_bonnell: Jeremy Lamb (ankle) and Troy Daniels (hamstring) both out tonight. Lamb is closer than Daniels to playing. Maybe Atlanta Friday.

  7. "目前沃克跟傑弗森無法換掉",版大的這句話是重點中的重點.







    1. ChisatoK~

  8. 為了贏球   克總竟讓AJ在緊要關頭的決勝節坐板蹬;會不會有後遺症?

    1. 有看比賽的都知道,不是沒有試著讓AJ來追分,只是到後半段AJ已經被白邊守住了,在無計可施的狀況下也只好把AJ按在板凳上,但是也是因為沒有AJ了,整個速度上來了,也開始追分了。


    2. xiaolin~

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