【翻譯】暴龍戰術板「62 Flip」


Raptors Playbook: “62 Flip”


Over at the Raptors Playbook YouTube channel (@RaptorsPlaybook on Twitter), I am breaking down the X’s & O’s of the Toronto Raptors. This week, we’ll focus on their “62 Flip” – a play that disguises itself as a typical off-ball action but is really a ball-screen play. Watch the video embedded below alongside the summary written, and remember to follow and subscribe to never miss out on a video.

暴龍戰術板:「62 Flip」

在Raptors Playbook 這個YouTube頻道上(推特@RaptorsPlaybook),我解析了多倫多暴龍的戰術跑位。這個禮拜我們將專注在「62 Flip」,這個表面上是無球跑動,實際上是幫持球者掩護的戰術。看以下解析文字旁的影片,別忘了訂閱我們以免不要錯過新影片。

Option 1: Flip Ball Screen – Starting at 0:48
The play starts with both Bigs setting a “staggered” screen for an off-ball player on the weak side wing. This wing player will be freed for a pass from the ball handler after utilizing these screens, but will not use this opportunity to score.

Rather, they will continue to use their momentum to carry them towards the initial passer and hand the ball back to them with a DHO (dribble hand-off).The player that initiated the play is once again in possession of the ball, and will use their momentum to carry them towards the sideline. They will proceed to utilize one of the Bigs as a ball-screener after they flipped their orientation around to face the opposite baseline.

From this point, all of the traditional reads out of a pick and roll have are available. If the on-ball defender trails over the top of the screen and the screen defender does not adequately assist their teammate in slowing down the offensive player, the ball handler can proceed to score the ball.

If the screen defender overcompensates by helping their on-ball teammate, the ball handler can make a simple pass to the unguarded screener rolling to the rim. In the event a tertiary defender rotates over to the roller, they can make a short roll/4-on-3 pass to the weak side of the floor.

選擇一:Flip Ball Screen – 影片的0:48



Option 2: Re-Screen – Starting at 3:35

very sparsely used option out of this set is the re-screen wrinkle. Nick Nurse has experimented with this re-screen action out of a variety of sets (Snap series, Double Drag Continuity series, etc…) and this one follows suit.

The player that originally utilized the off-ball staggered screen and then proceeds to hand the ball back to the original passer will this time be re-screened for coming towards the sideline. It’s a somewhat untraditional action that was utilized with some regularity in Kyle Korver’s time with the Atlanta Hawks and is an interesting wrinkle Nurse has experimented with this season.

The call for this play (in general, not the re-screen option) appears to be “62 Flip”.

選擇二:再掩護 – 影片的3:35
再掩護是這個戰術中鮮少被用到的招式。納斯教練在許多戰術中都有嘗試再掩護(Snap系列, Double Drag Continuity系列等等)。原本被掩護然後再交出球權的球員,這次從邊線跑來時會獲得掩護。這是個不太傳統的跑動,柯佛在老鷹時會跑這個戰術,納斯教練在這季也嘗試使用這有趣的一招。
他們統稱整個戰術為「62 Flip」



(這篇好難翻QQ 翻錯了麻煩跟我講一下,謝謝)


  1. 頭香

    這個頻道很棒,多謝分享! 看到國外媒體的一些看法是等VV回來,二陣的後場搭配應該是林主控比較多一些機會

    1. The play starts with both Bigs setting a “staggered” screen for an off-ball player on the weak side wing.

      交叉/交錯掩護: 兩個大個子幫弱邊的側翼做交叉掩護,影片開始到0:47是羅瑞在獲得交叉掩護之後繞圈衝出獲得VV的傳球再從弧頂往籃筐切,這時因為原來防守VV的防守者被VV牽制來不及補防使羅瑞有很大的空間切入得分,這是標準的交叉掩護後的直接切入得分方式,是NBA球隊很常見的戰術,這篇62 Flip講的是如果交叉掩護以後被掩護的球員沒有很大的空位後續的幾種做法,例如0:48開始同樣的情況但是VV的防守者離他比較遠等羅瑞接到VV傳球之後,原VV的防守者已經卡在羅瑞前面了,但VV反而變成無人防守,所以羅瑞再把球傳回給VV,這時VV再利用一個大個子的掩護製造的空位跳投得分

      1. 謝謝大大補充~

        原來stagger screen翻成交叉掩護嗎?我覺得這樣翻的話會有點想像不出來是怎樣的掩護,因為是兩個大個子以同方向做掩護,交叉的話感覺會是兩個大個子做的是不同方向的掩護,我反而是把交叉翻在dribble hand-off(DHO)那邊,這樣我個人比較好理解,哈哈~

        這篇真的蠻多術語我查不到翻譯的,像是標題的flip、內文的Snap、Double Drag Continuity我就直接放棄了XDD


        1. 原來stagger screen翻成交叉掩護嗎?我覺得這樣翻的話會有點想像不出來是怎樣的掩護,因為是兩個大個子以同方向做掩護

          哈哈,那只是我隨便照staggered這個字面抓的翻譯,如果照 Staggered Screen 的定義來翻的話,中文應該是“接續掩護/連續掩護”比較恰當: A Staggered Screen is when two players set screens in succession for another player. 影片裡面有多個圖示什麼是Staggered Screen:


          這篇真的蠻多術語我查不到翻譯的,像是標題的flip、內文的Snap、Double Drag Continuity我就直接放棄了

          Flip指的應該是被掩護者繞出Staggered screen以後碰上補防而把球傳回(flip:丟回去)給最先傳出球給他的原持球者,例如影片第二段的羅瑞碰上原來防守VV的防守者補防卡位而把球傳回給VV

          Snap和 Double Drag Continuity series只是作者在他的頻道解說暴龍戰術的另外兩個系列(見 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmUowPmY2kvo2pDnyU0jiag/videos)


        2. xchao大


  2. 感謝多力辛苦的分享及翻譯,一定花很多時間的,真的不簡單。

    「62 Flip」





    1. 謝謝版大回覆~



      1. 謝謝多力的回覆~

      2. 像是Wrinkle這個詞在文章中是代表什麼意思,還有文末提到的戰術我直接放棄XD

        他文中用Wrinkle這個字指的是 技巧、點子、新方式等等,Wrinkle這個字在字典裡面的一個定義:  method, technique , innovation



        1. wrinkle原來是這樣的用法啊…還好我沒有翻成皺摺XDD 謝謝大大幫我解答~

          然後戰術那個就是指Snap和Double Drag Continuity series,想說改天再來深入了解,這次就索性不翻了,哈哈

  3. 推戰術文,辛苦多力大,翻譯那麼專業的原文出來分享。

    1. 謝謝大大捧場~剛好有個空檔就來翻翻,下一篇不知道什麼時候翻了,哈哈XD

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