【 JF翻譯組】#NBAFanDay活動 書豪NBA印尼LINE的問答


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引用翻譯出處連結:【#NBAFanDay活動  書豪NBA印尼LINE的問答



Q: How do you deal with nervousness and anxiety during important moments in the game? Jeremy Lin:For me the big thing is to learn to focus on playing for god. I think once you do that it helps the anxiety or nervousness to go away . Understanding that my purpose is to play for god. To play hard, playing in the right mindset. Playing the right way. 問:你怎麼處理比賽時的緊張和焦慮?林:對我來說最重要的是學習專注的為神打球。我想當這麼做的時候就能把焦慮或緊張的感覺趕跑—— ​​理解我的目標是為神打球,努力去打,以正確的心態去打。

Q: How do you balance yourself between basketball and education? Jeremy Lin: I never have seen them as being mutually exclusive all the time, if you can find a way to get both of them done at the right time. Plan ahead. The big thing is to understand your schedule, when tests are coming up, and you don’t overload on any given day. 問:你怎麼在籃球和學業之間取得平衡?林:我從來不覺得這兩者是互相排斥的,只要能夠分配好時間完成就可以了。提早計劃,理清時間表,等考試臨近就不會在哪個特定日子負荷不了了。

Q: Did you have a lot of pressure from you parents as a student? Jeremy Lin: Absolutely. Basically my mom and dad wanted me to get straight A’s in order to be able to play. 問:你的學生時代有沒有很多來自父母的壓力?林:當然的,尤其是我爸媽要我考出全A的成績才能繼續打球。

Q: Do you have any pre-game rituals? Jeremy Lin: Not really. My only pregame ritual is to do a devotional. I read the Bible and pray before every game to get my mind right. 問:你有什麼賽前的儀式性習慣嗎?林:不算有,我唯一的賽前習慣就是禱告。我每一場比賽前都會讀經禱告,把心態調整好。

Q: Do you have any superstitions, like wearing lucky shorts? Jeremy Lin: I feel like lucky shorts, that’s a lot of laundry or you’re gonna be wearing some smelly shorts. 問:你有什麼迷信嗎?想是穿雙幸運短褲?林:幸運短褲的話,你會要洗很多褲子,不然就要穿臭褲子。。。

Q: Do you have any big rivals? Jeremy Lin : Not really, to be honest. I know it’s a boring answer, but a lot of times playing a team I was just playing for, because I have lots of friends, that’s fun. 問:你有哪個最大的對手嗎?林:不算有,說真的。我知道這答案很無趣,但很多時候我就是為自己的球隊去打就是了,因為我有很多好朋友,這是很好玩的。

Q: Who’s your favorite players to play with? Jeremy Lin: I enjoy playing with Landry Fields, Chandler Parsons, and Steve Novak. The guys I really keep in touch with over the summer. When we get a chance to play against each other, it’s always friendly competition. 問:你最希望一起打球的球員是?林:我喜歡跟菲爾茲,帕森斯,和諾瓦克一起打球。這幾個是我在夏天還一直有接觸的。當有機會對打的時候,都是很友好的競爭。

Q: Any tips for Playing against bigger/taller guys? Jeremy Lin: I’d say learning to use deception. Deception and angles are two things I really try to focus on. A lot of times if you’re shorter you have an advantage of being low to the ground and having a more explosive first step, so using that stuff to your advantage. 問:跟比較高,壯的人對打有什麼訣竅嗎?林:我會說是假動作。假動作和不同的角度是我很重視的。很多時候你要是比較矮小就會有接近地板的優勢,和更有爆發力的第一步,所以要利用這些優勢。

Q: We heard you like playing DOTA 2, which character do you enjoy playing? Jeremy Lin: I enjoy being sniper. 問:聽說你喜歡DOTA2,你喜歡扮演哪個角色?林:我喜歡當狙擊手(火槍)。

Q: What’s your favorite Ice Cream flavor? Jeremy Lin: My favorite ice cream flavor is probably a tie between coffee and chocolate peanut butter. I haven’t had straight-up ice cream since maybe like…3 times the whole season. Throwing ice cream on top of a cookie is the nice way to do it. 問:你最喜歡哪種口味的冰淇淋? 林:我最喜歡的冰淇淋口味應該是咖啡和巧克力花生都同樣喜歡。我在整個賽季都沒有過。。。3次單純的只吃冰淇淋。把冰淇淋蓋在餅乾上吃很不錯。

Q: Normally, how many signatures do you have to give when you’re meeting your fans? Jeremy Lin: I think there was one day where I had to do 3,000 or 4,000. That was probably the record. It took a few hours, I think. Practice, I can do that all the time. But I don’t know if I can do that many signatures every day. 問:一般上你每次跟球迷見面都要簽多少個名?林:我想有一次一天內簽了3000-4000個,這應該是記錄了。簽了好幾個小時吧。我可以不停的訓練,但我不覺得我能每天這樣簽名。

Q: What’s your favorite Line sticker of you? Jeremy Lin: It’s hard to choose favorites because they’re all of me. I like them all because we got to choose them and come up with some. If I got to choose one, it ‘d probably be the Naruto pose. 問:你(的臉)做的Line表情貼圖你最喜歡哪個?林:很難做出選擇因為都是我自己。我都喜歡,因為都是我們選出來的。如果真要選一個,應該是做“火影”動作那個。

Q: Which actor do you think can play you best? Jeremy Lin: I’d choose Ryan Higga. He’s a YouTube celebrity. (He’s not actually my cousin. We were just joking about that, but he knows me really well) 問:你覺得哪個演員最能把你演好?林:我會選Ryan Higga (林好友,一起排有關視頻的),他是油管紅人。(他不是我的表兄弟,我們只是開玩笑這 ​​麼說的,但他很了解我。)**

Q: Can we see expect to see more Youtube videos from you? Jeremy Lin: We always have ideas, but it’s tough to do during the season. This summer we’re hoping to release 3, and we’ve already begun the preliminary stages in the videos, but obviously we can’t give away what they are. 問:我們還會看到你更多油管影片嗎?林:我們常常都有很多點子,但在賽季中很難去做。這個夏天希望能出三個,影片已經有初步結構了,但顯然還不能發表。

Q: Have you seen “Fresh off the Boat? Jeremy Lin: I’ve only seen the first episode, which I saw very early on, but I like to watch my shows at once. Now that the season’s over I’m gonna watch all the episodes they’ve released so far in one day or two. 問:你看過“菜鳥移民”電視劇了嗎?林:我只看了第一集,很早以前了,但我想要一次看完。現在賽季結束了我要把全部出了的在一兩天內看完。

Q: Do you watch any other series? Jeremy Lin: I haven’t watched it in a while, but I’ll get back to watching Naruto. 問:你有看其他電視片集嗎?林:有一段時間沒看了,但我要回去看“火影忍者”。

Q: What movie are you looking forward to watch this summer, what movies have you seen lately? Jeremy Lin: I’ve seen Furious 7 and the Fast and Furious series is my favorite series of all time, so I really enjoyed that. Not sure if it comes out this summer, but I’m really looking forward to watching Southpaw, the boxing movie. 問:你這個夏天想看什麼電影,你最近看過那一些?林:我最近看了“速度與激情7”,這個系列是我一直以來的最愛,我很享受。不清楚這個夏天會不會出但我很期待“震撼擂台“,拳擊電影。

Q: What kind of movies do you enjoy watching? Jeremy Lin: I’m more into the brainless type of movies where you go watch people go around beating everybody else up, like the Taken movies. Action. Or really funny. Those are the types I enjoy. 問:你最喜歡的電影類型是?林:我喜歡那些無厘頭的,就是看一個接一個的把人打倒,像”即刻救援“,動作片,或者很搞笑的,都是我喜歡的類型。

Jeremy Lin: Thank you Indonesia. I know I haven’t gotten a chance to get out there yet, but I’m hoping to get out there soon. Thanks for your support! 林:謝謝印尼,我知道我還沒有機會去哪裡,但我希望不久的將來有機會,謝謝你們的支持!

One comment

  1. 版大我不會改名稱,是否能夠幫幫我,名稱改素妍,謝謝你。

    1. jeanbbs~

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